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STEM Learning Culture​


Educators and leaders participate in an ongoing system of STEM specific professional learning.



STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through STEM, students develop key skills including: problem solving. creativity. critical analysis.  The culture of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has an effect on many students' interest, self-concept, sense of connectedness, and persistence in these disciplines....

The cultures that male and female students from all backgrounds, races, and ethnicities encounter while they study STEM can undermine or support their performance and persistence through their self-concepts and beliefs specific to the STEM domain and their feelings of community and belonging in STEM fields. In this chapter we focus on how the culture of STEM education impacts women and underrepresented students because of the concerns about participation of students from these groups in STEM fields and because students from these groups are typically the subject of research on the effect of the culture of STEM education.

The relationship between institutional or disciplinary culture and race, ethnicity, and gender is especially relevant in STEM fields, where racial and ethnic minorities and women are even more underrepresented than they are in most other fields 



Stone Mountain Middle School utilizes a variety of strategies and platforms to share and communicate STEM vision, mission, goals, outcomes, responsibilities, roles, events, and activities to internal and external stakeholders.  STEM teachers and the STEM Administrators utilize professional development to develop skills and learn best practices according to the latest standards in STEM fields.  The STEM Team will either deliver STEM Professional Development (PD) or attend a PD to enhance STEM teaching.  




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