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Performance Assessment


Standard 10

Students demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and opportunities to develop self-assessment and self-monitoring skills.



Stone Mountain Middle School students demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and opportunities to develop self-assessment and self-monitoring skills.  Our students also engage in STEM-specific performance assessments that provide opportunities for public demonstrations of learning.  Our students present using portfolios, journals, engineering design notebooks, and classified artifacts found in completed work samples.   As a requirement for the STEM program at Stone Mountain Middle School, students must not only be able to design or redesign technology to solve real-world problems, but they must also present their findings. One student method to present their finding is to use the following PIRATES (engineering design) manner:

















Exhibitions, investigations, demonstrations, written and oral responses, and journals are a major component of the StoneMountain Middle School STEM program. In the capstone projects, students produce operable ROVs, aquaponics tanks, and artificial pancreases. However, as students participate in self-directed learning experiences, they need opportunities to present a body of work that demonstrates mastery of STEM literacy:  Stone Mountain Middle School students' demonstrate their learning through performance based assessments and express their conclusions through elaborated explanations of their thinking. 








SMMS Engineering Design Notebook
Students as Presenters 1.png
SeaPerch Flyer, 2021.png
Students as Presenters 4 - Global Warmin
Students as Presenters 5 - Tammy's Art C

 Student Presents
the "A" in STE"A"M

Students as Presenters 5 - Tammy's Art C
Students as Presenters 5 - Tammy's Art C

The "A" in STEM


Strengths:  Students in grades 6 – 8

will authentically incorporate projects, research, into real world problems related to the science of STEM sustainability.





A STEM Career related event should be planned in Stone Mountain Middle School in the Fall and Spring.


Schoolwide Career Day with some focus on STEM related careers.




Opportunities for ‘STEM Day’ experiences for middle school students will be offered;


Guest presenters from STEM marketplace will be identified and incorporated into courses.




STEM Advisory Board charged with seeking internship opportunities and bringing back contact information to the Board.





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