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STEM Discipline Integration

Standard 11

STEM learning experiences integrate all STEM disciplines with an emphasis on processes and practices associated with STEM

This standard is one that builds strength for the STEM program.  By providing the STEM Team with quality professional development it prepares them for content integration and the engineering design process – a key component.  The rationale is to improve STEM education across the board, have students draw content correlations, and build a cohesive understanding of integrating science, technology, engineering, and math to also include ELA and social studies.  Due to teacher attrition, training and professional development has helped our STEM Team to understand STEM and how it relates to real-world events, and complexities of a global society.  Therefore, collaboration and planning are pertinent for interdisciplinary connections.  The STEM program embraces the 4C’s of 21st Century skills – collaboration (students’ must work together in teams), communication (working in teams forces students to speak and solve together), be creative (students must think/design scaled illustrations or prototypes of their designs), and critical thinker (students must think outside of the box). The STEM Team connects this practice to already established curriculums with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE).  The challenge is managing pacing schedules, and unit plans for the four content areas – ELA, math, science, and social studies, for every capstone or project, may not coincide with GSE every time.  However, STEM teachers connect with at least two out of four.  

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The Study of  Prosthetics

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We Learn About...



STEM team educators collaborate weekly to develop interdisciplinary lessons. ● STEM team educators participate in numerous professional developments throughout the school year.


Create a database of parent/ community volunteers;


Create a STEM site on the district website maintained by the STEM Team.

Seek potential corporate funding resources for project -based learning;


Invite more constituents into career day events and possible shadow or intern opportunities.

Identify projects needed for funding;


For example: one would be to help students create STEM career pathways for their future.

STEM website established and maintained.


STEM events held at least once during the year at Stone Mountain Middle School;

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