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STEM Professional Development Pics

Response:  This COGNIA standard is another successful standard for the Stone Mountain Middle School STEM program.  An effective model for professional development and educator collaboration is one that is tried and tested but is proven to work.  Just because students are in the STEM program does not mean they do not need differentiation, and a variety of learning strategies.  Therefore, Improving Instruction for Students with Learning Needs – A Model for Collaboration (Brodesky, Gross, McTigue & Palmer, 2007) is one that has been adopted for the STEM program.  Although this model focuses on mathematical concepts (a component of STEM), it is feasible to apply the concept across all STEM and content mediums. 



Results:  of this practice: 


  • Deepen understanding of both essential content and of their students

  • Align strategies with students’ needs and content goals

  • Implement strategies with students and then reflect on their effectiveness

  • Collaborate and plan accessible lessons and assessments


The practice calls for (1) a deeper understanding for reaching students that struggle, because yes- students in STEM classes sometimes struggle (2) choosing and aligning strategies by examining student work, and effectively collaborating about which strategies are most effective yet need to be aligned to meet established curriculum goals, and (3) clearing the way for collaboration – keeping meetings focused, where there is a compendium of respect one for the other, and a working together spirit. 


STEM faculty meets weekly as individual grade-level content and teams and collaborate monthly for vertical articulation within the STEM program. The main purpose for all meetings is to discuss content, brainstorm, monitor progress, identify problems, give feedback, and stress student-led practices.  In addition, the STEM faculty participate in many professional development (PD) opportunities to establish cross-curricular STEM collaborative discussions and planning. Industry professionals often assist with and collaborate to implement capstone projects.  The STEM faculty realize that community, business, and parent collaboration is essential to the success of the program.   

Meeting Agenda.png

Meeting Power Point 10/2020

Meeting Training.jpg

Example of Professional Development Training Worksheet

Digital Storytelling - 3/2021


Meeting Attendance Statistics

One interactive professional development was creating animated Google slides as an interactive tool for students.  STEM faculty was divided into breakout rooms to learn, share, practice, and show their results.  A survey was conducted afterwards for feedback.  

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STEM Day Professional Development Pics 3

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Aquaponics Professional Development

Stone Mountain Middle School

Thanks to the HATponics program, which has an initiative to feed 20 million people by 2020, our STEM faculty along with others from various schools on the District also had the chance to engage and learn how to construct and aquaponic system.  The system would enable them to teach their students ways to solve real hunger crises and learn about sustainable farming through a hands on approach,.

STEM Educator Collaboration


Standard 2

STEM educators collaborate to develop, implement, and improve high quality STEM learning        activities.


​STEM faculty meets weekly as individual grade-level content and teams and collaborate monthly for vertical articulation within the STEM program. The main purpose for all meetings is to discuss content, brainstorm, monitor progress, identify problems, give feedback, and stress student-led practices.


Recommended:   Teachers will continue to work together during Team meetings to support the integration of STEM related projects.   


Recommended:  Teachers grades 6-8 will have more time set aside to meet with stakeholders (possible venues - Microsoft Teams, Zoom)


Recommended:  There be at least a 5% increase in the number of students taking STEM related courses in Stone Mountain Middle School


Recommended:  Stay connected with feeder schools to build relationships


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