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Standard 16

School/program conducts evaluative activities to ensure the effectiveness of STEM implementation

There is no doubt that feedback is a valuable component to gain information and drive important decisions.  Effective feedback offers benefits for both the one conducting the survey and the one taking the survey.  Each get the main idea of what information is being sought and what is important.  Feedback drives motivation, helps to improve performance, gives a hint of what a person is thinking, a great reference piece, and gives an edge to future teaching practices. 



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STEM Impact

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Our students are learning about the Cape Town water crisis and the effect it has on South African communities.  Students were tasked with creating an irrigation system prototype that could transport water to two different areas.  It is workshops like these, sponsored by the Fernbank Museum, that keep the discrepant inquiries coming.  Thank you, Fernbank!

STEM Student Begin & End of Year Comparison Survey, 2018

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Stone Mountain’s STEM Program conducts an S-STEM Survey at the beginning and end of each school year.  The survey was developed by William and Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation and partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1038154 and by The Golden LEAF Foundation.  Because “STEM attitudes and career interests are key components in a larger theory of career development called social cognitive career theory” (SCCT; Lent, Sheu, Gloster, & Wilkins, 2010), it is important to conduct the survey to give us information about student’s attitudes toward STEM both before and after each school year.  The survey also conveys to the STEM Team, the path our students want to pursue albeit college, tech school, or STEM fields.  In addition, the survey used items in Erkut and Marx’s (2005) survey and measured using a 4-point Likert-type response scale (agree to strongly disagree). 

STEM Student Tracking Survey, 2020

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STEM Meets Professional Development Surveys

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