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STEM Outcomes



STEM learning outcomes demonstrate students’ STEM literacy necessary for the next level of STEM learning and for post- secondary and workforce readiness.


As of 2016, SMMS is in its fifth generation of STEM students working toward STEM literacy. With each year, SMMS students and educators alike have grown in their ability to understand and apply STEM concepts on a cognitive level and have learned to extrapolate overarching metacognitive techniques to apply to areas of their lives outside of the classroom.  With a team effort and continued STEM educator practices, 87% of STEM students have shown growth in state norm-referenced tests.  They have also shown a steady increase in MAP testing as well.  One of the challenges, due to COVID-19 was the interruption in the testing process.  Therefore, a gap in the testing mandate have stunted our ability to measure student growth during the 2019 – 2020 FY school year.  Even with the results of the Winter MAP testing in 2019, other tests to include state and MAP will be skewed with unpredictable outliers.  Despite all that has transpired, our STEM Program remains fortified, diligent, progressive, and continues to grow and improve.  Data gathered since our first certification with AdvancED show student progression.  Project-based learning rubrics, assessments, and evidence show student progression as well.


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STEM Content Knowledge

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STEM Skills and Competencies

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Program Evaluation

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